Bus Information

Brody Contact:   242-8443

Julie Burzette (Registrar/Transportation)


Stacey Edwards (Office Manager)

*** Where’s the bus?  Use the Here Comes the Bus app to find out! ***
Here Comes the Bus App Information

Bus Guidelines

Students are generally approved for busing by the District Transportation Department if they live more than two miles from the middle school they will be attending.  The approved bus students have a DART logo or yellow bus number notated on their identification cards.  Students approved for busing must present their bus identification passes to the bus drivers each time they ride the bus, both A.M. and P.M.  If the student has lost or damaged their pass they may purchase a new one before school from the Office Manager.

If you change your address during the year please notify us immediately. We may be able to request a new bus route after the completion of the address change.  When changing your address we need to have an “Address Change” form completed accompanied by proof of address, i.e. lease, mortgage or bill reflecting the new address.

If you have questions or need assistance with any busing or address issues please contact Julie Burzette either by email or call our office at #242-8443.  Below you will find the “Rules” governing our bus ridership.

School Bus Rules
The Des Moines Public School District intends to provide safe transportation for all students eligible for bus service. It is imperative that students’ conduct themselves to that the bus driver’s attention is on driving. Students who do not obey bus rules will be subject to disciplinary action.

Please explain these to your children and be sure they understand and follow these rules.
1. Obey the driver at all times.
2. Be on time for the bus, both morning and afternoon.
3. Wait for the bus a safe distance from the curb.
4. Stay seated until time to get off the bus.
5. Store all carry-on items out of the aisle.
6. Keep your hands, arms, and head inside the bus at all times.
7. Keep noise at a reasonable level. Conversations should be in normal tones. Silence must be observed while crossing railroad tracks.
8. Refrain from using profanity (by word or gesture).
9. Wrestling among students or throwing objects is prohibited.
10. Do not damage the bus or seat covers.
11 Smoking, igniting any item, or use of a controlled substance is prohibited.
12. Maintain a tidy bus: no littering.
13. Eating on the bus is allowed, if permitted by the driver.
14. Enter and leave the bus in an orderly manner; no pushing, shoving, or running.

Students violating the rules governing students riding school buses or the District Discipline Policy may be subject to the following disciplinary action:

1. Verbal reprimand
2. Conference with the student
3. Seat assignment
4. Referral to building administrator
5. Parent/student/administrator conference
6. Suspension from the bus